
  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-06-10

    MT @ealdent: "…every [Apple] news article shows a picture of Steve Jobs, sometimes I'm not sure if he's actually dead" – so, iDolatry? # My advisor, uh, seems to be competing in "natural language processing idol" at #naacl2012 ?! @asayeed @CindiThompson #whyaminotinmontreal # Awesome: 1890 gravestone on SFO beach > genealogy of owner > Phineas…

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-06-03

    Fun big-data meetup with @pbrane, @johnmyleswhite, & others. @stormprocessor got shout-out, & Nifty! #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-05-27

    Heartbreaking loss for the Throttle Rockets in the very last jam. But who'd've thought I'd be mistaken for Prince at the afterparty? # phoneticians & praat-icians: bop to this catchy video to practice transcribing ingressives & clicks via @angryzenmaster # Time-lost gender-bent Cyberman guerilla reinserting into 1921 Reality Prime via @bruces < Wired <…

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-05-20 # wow, this yak's gone a long time since its last shave. # "The "just speak English" policy at StackOverflow —; Seriously. Messed. Up. Via @unthinkingly # "Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is – Whatever; via @ealdent & @imtboo # Just bought shirts: Sportland Sportball and of course "Shut…

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-05-13

    Ten minutes debating salvation with syllogistically-challenged Jesus-ers waiting for the bus; conceded to blasphemy, but only on their terms #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-05-06

    Whee, a day full of arguing with people I respect! #funtimesatwork # samizdat software architecture redesign. #funtimesatwork #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-04-29

    Previous RT links to article about mathematical separability measures by a dude named "Jeremy Kun" #Iamnotmakingthisup # Attention coders: calling a regular expression "xxx_reggie" is NOT CUTE and makes you sound like a twit. #messagestothepast # OH: "there's only two answers: either they don't know how, or they know better." #themoneyisinwhichone # I wish @nlp_class…

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-04-22

    When you can't tell if that petite bus rider is a weird sneezer or has Tourette's. That's now, that is. # Use and Abuse of Garbage Collected Languages — (@CompSciFact) [ Hadoop, I'm looking at you… ] #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-04-15

    Woo! 80% speedup by importing the "fastFoo" library instead of vanilla Foo. #badnamingprinciple #goodcodingpractice # Cool: tweet your CS paper. via @redpony. I agree we need this track at ACL. # Berkeley mom-focused hackerspace seeks hackers; offers child care while you hack. Cool! # hm. @nlp_class homework is less fun when I'm skating…

  • pair programming

    I discovered last week that Java does not have a Pair<X,Y> generic class because of Reasons. That’s annoying, but surprising to me. Scala, for example, supports heterogeneous typed tuples (including a 2-tuple, of course), and of course my beloved Python does as well (though type enforcement in Python is, well, weak). I’ve also been learning…