
  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-08-05

    OH on bus: "I'm getting contraception, not neutered, a**hole." # Official Day of No Fun at work today. Thursday can't be worse (can it?) # Self-soothing by learning @mountain_goats songs and thinking about music theory. #relativeminor # Ibid and the Alias #bibliographybands # Python oddity: >>> None <= -5.0E19 True >>> 0 <= -5.0E19 False…

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-07-29 # Note found on the bus: "magic 8-ball says you're next/post-digital job/not our fault yr bank doesn't understand invisible ink on our check" # RT @imtboo: "… for the record, white privilege is neither shocking nor irrelevant". < QFT; also applicable to several other conversations #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-07-29 # Note found on the bus: "magic 8-ball says you're next/post-digital job/not our fault yr bank doesn't understand invisible ink on our check" # RT @imtboo: "… for the record, white privilege is neither shocking nor irrelevant". < QFT; also applicable to several other conversations #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-07-22

    Go, read: @tannercolby's pitch for a post-Mad-Men, pre-Wire show about 1970s racial integration (via @mdaisey ) # "Data Science" not yet science: still working on empiricism & replicability; hasn't yet begun to explain things. ("Not even wrong." -Pauli) #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-07-22

    Go, read: @tannercolby's pitch for a post-Mad-Men, pre-Wire show about 1970s racial integration (via @mdaisey ) # "Data Science" not yet science: still working on empiricism & replicability; hasn't yet begun to explain things. ("Not even wrong." -Pauli) #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-07-15

    RT @jasonbaldridge: "UNIX is my IDE." QFT, oh my minions. Q. F. T. # Made with healthy NOM GMO soybeans (sic) # It bugs me that the standard spelling seems to be "iocane powder". I always expect the "-caine" ending. #fictional #branding #problems # "it's all about creating IP." -JMS "you soulless, narcissist, mercenary…

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-07-08

    I spent my entire weekend trying to fix a bug that turned out to be invoked by the leap second. I wasn't alone: # WTHeck, Google Transit? there ain't no route 673 in Seattle. don't suggest it, mmkay? # The Whidbey Institute's Labyrinth #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-07-01

    Lost (& found) my phone between returning rental car and boarding plane. Relief! I don't want to spend my first day back re-en-phoning. # Happy Tau Day! (Pi is still wrong!) #

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-06-24 # Happy Father's Day! I'm lucky to have such a great one. # Vampires shouldn't sparkle, but they should be this much fun: help fund THE GARLICKS by @thedivalea: (& hurry!) # One day spent snorkeling and my hair is all Surfer Baggins. # Sneaking in to other hotels' pools with @imtboo.…

  • Twitterlog for the week of 2012-06-17

    Attn @kirkhamilton: analytics meets pop "analyzed the chords of 1300 popular songs. This is what I found" via @ogrisel # RT @StanCarey "…35 years' research into Neuro-Linguistic Programming: "pseudoscientific rubbish". #breaking #waterwet in reply to StanCarey # Boarding to Lihue! Aloha y'all. 🙂 #