November surprises
Two weeks I saw Argo [highly recommended!] and that made me remember the 1980 October Surprise controversies, which were hecka confusing to a five-year-old at the time. I have my own November — or possibly early December — surprise coming: I’m about to become a dad, and I’m, well, 80% enthusiastic and about 20% terrified. Reminders that most of the…
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-10-14
Corollary: "computational linguist: better at linguistic analysis than software engineers, better at programming than linguists." # SF peeps: last chance to help Bikes for San Francisco Youth on @indiegogo (I just pushed it over $4k!) # TIL: What I know as Golden Hammer Syndrome ("to man with h–, world looks like nail") should be…
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-10-07
"Burton Quim, founder of ex-gay ministry Overcome…" #aptronym #seriously #seriously # academy is strange. “live-tweeting at conferences is a form of neoliberalism…“ why NOT share your ideas? via @Yendi # At UW CSE department, waiting for Carlos Guestrin talk on GraphLab. Expected to see more peeps I know, but here's a few. # Eight…
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-09-30
Bay Area NLPers: Long Now seeking "Lexical Data Specialist" — sounds neat. @stuartrobinson @WWRob @mdcclv (& more?) # Fourth draft of project plan. Somewhat less ranty than Friday afternoon's first draft. Relaxing this weekend helped. # My tech-heavy (and Y-chromosome-heavy) employer really should hire more women, if only to properly load-balance the bathrooms on…
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-09-23
Unexpectedly long & fun, if occasionally heated, conversation with @pbrane &c at Quiz Night. We are champion nerds; even our arguments. # Additional evidence of the point from my last two retweets: my last two retweets. # .@jinjurly it didn't hurt that I was retweeting you quoting @chr0me about imitation and mimicry. in reply to…
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-09-16
Iain M. Banks' new book is coming: The Hydrogen Sonata. (h/t @root2702) #
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-09-16
Iain M. Banks' new book is coming: The Hydrogen Sonata. (h/t @root2702) #
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-09-09
.@dresdencodak The Office (US): another No Exit remake, this time ostensibly leaving SF! (cf Truman Show, Dark City, The Matrix, The Cell) # .@barbarahui I saw your name in a Shelf Life column in The Nation. You look good there! #
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-08-12
Ironically awesome to be getting hacked DM spam ("f8cebook giving away !Pads") from @ClosedAccessJ #
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-08-12
Ironically awesome to be getting hacked DM spam ("f8cebook giving away !Pads") from @ClosedAccessJ #