Archives: Tweets
@jhamby think there’s an overnegation in there som…
@jhamby think there’s an overnegation in there somewhere? Thiel makes fb WORSE
RT @_danilo: Listen. It’s all fun and games right…
Listen. It’s all fun and games right now But hold onto your hat. That’s two nights of consecutive humiliation for Trum p. It means trouble
@deliprao @haldaume3 I’m here (all the time!) and…
@deliprao @haldaume3 I’m here (all the time!) and Hal I’d love to see your slides if you’re willing to share
Ambassador from Atlantis shows a shocking affinity…
Ambassador from Atlantis shows a shocking affinity for water
@allisons well, yeah. If you can power your nano r…
@allisons well, yeah. If you can power your nano robot self-assemblers with liquid ethanol, then you’re on your way there (or to Gray Goo).
@allisons at this point, anything to stop pulling…
@allisons at this point, anything to stop pulling complex C molecules out of the ground and converting to CO2.
@allisons I think dealing with “too much gasoline-…
@allisons I think dealing with “too much gasoline-substitute” instead of “too much gaseous CO2” is a good problem to have
@GlennF … especially the not so casual racism.
@GlennF … especially the not so casual racism.