Archives: Tweets
@jackiefloyd I didn’t see either name or airline
@jackiefloyd I didn’t see either name or airline
Austin-area peeps: she was flying to your city and…
Austin-area peeps: she was flying to your city and groped by this jerk. APD unhelpful & minimizing (thread); anybod…
RT @NickyWoolf: The @NewYorker Cinton endorsement…
The @NewYorker Cinton endorsement is as close as I’ve ever seen a piece of writing get to being a ballistic missile
@parabasis it seemed to me that your observation h…
@parabasis it seemed to me that your observation has a similar double reading
@parabasis and in that reading Jesus is kind of a…
@parabasis and in that reading Jesus is kind of a jerk
@parabasis ha! One read on that quote from Mark is…
@parabasis ha! One read on that quote from Mark is that Jesus was saying “there are ALWAYS poor people, they get EVERYWHERE”
@parabasis the poor you will always have with you….
@parabasis the poor you will always have with you… (Mark 14:7)
RT @JoshuaACNewman: Start with The Dispossessed (a…
Start with The Dispossessed (about anarchy vs. politics) or Left Hand of Darkness (about gender construction), then…
This article, & its @-replies, are a chocolate…
This article, & its @-replies, are a chocolate sampler of variations on No True (Conservative) Scotsman. You made t…
RT @JulietteWade: Read this thread.…
Read this thread.