Archives: Tweets
@gunswordfist ask @kerrycallen
@gunswordfist ask @kerrycallen
Parenting Xpert Squad! @thenib killing it again ht…
Parenting Xpert Squad! @thenib killing it again
There’s no tying in baseball! Or football either,…
There’s no tying in baseball! Or football either, I thought until today ….
RT @Khanoisseur: glorious montage of Trump flippin…
glorious montage of Trump flipping on every position he’s held-Iraq War, Libya, healthcare, amnesty, hillary…
RT @GlennF: “Is your refrigerator running?” Goes a…
“Is your refrigerator running?” Goes and checks. “Yes?” “It’s attacking France. You’re under arrest.”
@akm @nitashatiku I can’t help reading the PC bit…
@akm @nitashatiku I can’t help reading the PC bit as a patronizing “but honey, it’s data-driven; maybe blacks just ARE criminals”
@akm really? Even the bit about PC? @nitashatiku
@akm really? Even the bit about PC? @nitashatiku
RT @RS_Benedict: football jocks: peacefully protes…
football jocks: peacefully protesting against racism nerds: becoming internet nazis teen movies were wrong nerds ar…
@akm @nitashatiku either suggests surprising ignor…
@akm @nitashatiku either suggests surprising ignorance or deliberate oversight.
@akm @nitashatiku “sometimes they’re not PC” sugge…
@akm @nitashatiku “sometimes they’re not PC” suggests he didn’t understand the question, or he thinks race IS root cause of criminality