Archives: Tweets
OMG this email is. Well, it definitely… is. someth…
OMG this email is. Well, it definitely… is. something. There a metaphor here, but I’m fresh out of disgust from the…
RT @_K_E_L_S_E_Y: have you told your product desig…
have you told your product designer pals about this cool job designing tech to support sexual assault survivors yet?
@jonathankoren was there ever any doubt that you a…
@jonathankoren was there ever any doubt that you are, uh, not aligned with The Man?
@NYUpress @jelani9 …often without proper attributi…
@NYUpress @jelani9 …often without proper attribution.
RT @alexandraerin: That is, Twitter would rather p…
That is, Twitter would rather play host to a cesspool of racists, rapists, and terrorists than to a vibrant community of artists of color.
@AnaPopescu_SV @rasbt first they came for the tren…
@AnaPopescu_SV @rasbt first they came for the trending topics curators, and I did not speak up because I do not read trending topics…
@WesleyLowery and that wasn’t even federal propert…
@WesleyLowery and that wasn’t even federal property.
We don’t have to imagine. The MOVE house was bombe…
We don’t have to imagine. The MOVE house was bombed and burned with families and kids inside.