Archives: Tweets
“Muscular” has the peculiar etymological malapropi…
“Muscular” has the peculiar etymological malapropism that might be calqued “mouse+y+-ish” (too bad Twitter doesn’t…
Oh hey ? I got your projective anxiety genre trope…
Oh hey ? I got your projective anxiety genre tropes handled since at least back in March:
Thank you for ?, @jwz. also, I suspect @Iron_Spike…
Thank you for ?, @jwz. also, I suspect @Iron_Spike was thinking of many of the same things when she made this poste…
RT @jwz: They Live and the secret history of the M…
They Live and the secret history of the Mozilla logo. I’m going to draw a line through 1930s agitprop, Ronald…
Should’ve been obvious to me before, but cannibal…
Should’ve been obvious to me before, but cannibal zombie stories: white people horror of how we treat everybody else
Back-story for Cylon skinjob design and Skynet fle…
Back-story for Cylon skinjob design and Skynet flesh disguises is growing more elaborate.
RT @camerontw: “We have to hide this technology be…
“We have to hide this technology because you seem to say you don’t want it but we cannot let that happen”
RT @the_author_: Condescending as hell and factual…
Condescending as hell and factually incorrect? Smells like benevolent sexism. ??