Archives: Tweets
The age of ubiquitous surveillance meets the age o…
The age of ubiquitous surveillance meets the age of ubiquitous willful ignorance and doublespeak.
@rctatman can you tell me more about where that ot…
@rctatman can you tell me more about where that other link came from? was there an EMNLP paper there too?
@rctatman yep, figured it out from the Dredze titl…
@rctatman yep, figured it out from the Dredze title. Thanks!
@rctatman that’s… not a corpus? it seems really…
@rctatman that’s… not a corpus? it seems really useful, though
RT @AwfulJournalism: Here’s my Spanish accent: (c…
Here’s my Spanish accent: (clears throat) “Fuck that guy” @TPM
RT @multiahjussi: <sets trash can on fire> &…
<sets trash can on fire> <puts ashes on rocket ship> <sends rocket to sun>
“let’s be friends” goes great with the broken fb l…
“let’s be friends” goes great with the broken fb link, “I am completely unavailable and deeply frightened” body-lan…
Oh, no. The techno-preppers have found me! https:/…
Oh, no. The techno-preppers have found me!
@emjonaitis sounds like every day at this fine soc…
@emjonaitis sounds like every day at this fine social media establishment
@NoraReed well, thank you for introducing me to it…
@NoraReed well, thank you for introducing me to it. I did this lovely double take on reading it, because I knew its meaning instantly