Archives: Tweets
oh wait maybe this guy should have poisoned the sa…
oh wait maybe this guy should have poisoned the sandwich too for better support from the police guild
Waiting for the Blue Lives Matter crowd to boycott…
Waiting for the Blue Lives Matter crowd to boycott sandwiches to get this a-hole his job back.
RT @anildash: “Boss, it turns out the algorithm ca…
“Boss, it turns out the algorithm can’t solve a problem that society has been struggling with for decades.” “Have we tried more algorithm?”
RT @yamthatiam: @anildash no but seriously the lat…
@anildash no but seriously the latest feed-forward nets have shown a remarkable ability to solve institutional racism
RT @ChuckTingle: sometimes it is difficult to see…
sometimes it is difficult to see where you fit in to the universe but i have seen all of this timeline and YOU fit it perfectly i promise
I just realized that my washing machine that stopp…
I just realized that my washing machine that stopped spinning on Thursday was ALSO a Samsung.
RT @TUSK81: We are the wall.…
We are the wall.
RT @UOJim: @Noahpinion …they may only last until…
@Noahpinion …they may only last until the plutocracy decides police are cheaper than social programs.
RT @UOJim: @Noahpinion You know the old conservati…
@Noahpinion You know the old conservative saw about how “democracies only last until the people realize they can vo…
RT @NinjaEconomics: More accurately, you can only…
More accurately, you can only exclude non-white people.