Archives: Tweets
? ?everything old is new again?…
? ?everything old is new again?
RT @kylegriffin1: New cover of @DerSPIEGEL: https:…
New cover of @DerSPIEGEL:
@eldang wow @DerSPIEGEL illustrator really took th…
@eldang wow @DerSPIEGEL illustrator really took the Giant Meteor ’16 meme to the next level
? Godwin’s Law has been lifted since at least Janu…
? Godwin’s Law has been lifted since at least January:
RT @jeannakadlec: I need liberal white folks to st…
I need liberal white folks to stop putting this solely at the feet of working class whites. Trump. Swept. Every. White. Demographic.
RT @jonathanchait: He’s pissed. It’s working. Keep…
He’s pissed. It’s working. Keep it up.
RT @MWLaPointe: The narrative that this was a rebe…
The narrative that this was a rebellion by the economically marginalized is an ennobling lie and should be stamped…
RT @trekonomics: If the Trump admin registers Musl…
If the Trump admin registers Muslims, we must do like the Danes during WWII – they all wore Yellow Stars. WE MUST ALL REGISTER AS MUSLIMS.
OK crypto nerds, it’s time to get in formation. @P…
OK crypto nerds, it’s time to get in formation. @PPact and the @ACLU are good places to get involved.