Archives: Tweets
RT @JoshRosenau: I wished this with Gore and wish…
I wished this with Gore and wish it now. Democrats should create a shadow cabinet and spend 4 years making clear what they’d do differently.
@treycausey like the sun rising in the East. The s…
@treycausey like the sun rising in the East. The system updates will always be with you.
@VeryShortStory I dunno, this story did seem to dr…
@VeryShortStory I dunno, this story did seem to drone on a bit ?
RT @mulegirl: So yeah, I’m at a rally in Berlin li…
So yeah, I’m at a rally in Berlin listening to a speaker decrying American intolerance in German.
RT @jonrosenberg: Wow! I found it! Roy Cohn In Hel…
Wow! I found it! Roy Cohn In Hell, National Lampoon Feb. 1987. Words By Ned Ward, Art by Frank Springer.
RT @hadleywickham: I just donated to @ProPublica t…
I just donated to @ProPublica to support independent investigative journalism. You should too!
RT @bmastenbrook: the medium is the message, 404 e…
the medium is the message, 404 edition
RT @AngryBlackLady: Quit asking Black people to be…
Quit asking Black people to be tolerant of white supremacy. And keep MLK’s name out of your mouth.
RT @eldang: Collaboration as market opportunity. I…
Collaboration as market opportunity. I wonder why Silicon Valley startup recruiters don’t get more enthusiastic res…
RT @BrooklynSpoke: Don’t say “climate contrarian.”…
Don’t say “climate contrarian.” Say “climate denier.” Don’t say “racially charged.” Say “racist.” Words matter more than ever right now.