Archives: Tweets
RT @AnaPopescu_SV: Just like Burning Man, the Resi…
Just like Burning Man, the Resistance is going to have a different air-conditioned area for VIPs. w/ wi-fi, of course.
Wait what did somebody obit-SWAT Zuckerberg? https…
Wait what did somebody obit-SWAT Zuckerberg?
@AnaPopescu_SV *sobs*
@AnaPopescu_SV *sobs*
RT @thelindywest: weird, literally 100% of the peo…
weird, literally 100% of the people telling me “don’t say trump supporters are racist–it’s divisive and we have to win” are white dudes
@akarp I suggest The Invisible Knapsack to start….
@akarp I suggest The Invisible Knapsack to start. White ppl need to educate ourselves & each other @AnaPopescu_SV
RT @jonrosenberg: White men, they’re not coming 4…
White men, they’re not coming 4 you. We get it. You don’t want 2 be disturbed while the rest of us suffer. We’ll try 2 keep the screams down
@akarp systemic racism doesn’t have to wear pointy…
@akarp systemic racism doesn’t have to wear pointy white hoods to exist with a smile and even good intentions. @AnaPopescu_SV
@psygnisfive @ClayShentrup because nothing about t…
@psygnisfive @ClayShentrup because nothing about the current election cycle is weird and potentially dangerous, no!
This to the dude saying “but white people are just…
This to the dude saying “but white people are just individuals”. No.