Archives: Tweets
RT @leeflower: Hey folks! I’m seeing a lot of well…
Hey folks! I’m seeing a lot of well-meaning bad advice about contacting congress. I used to work for congress. Here’s what you need to know:
@VerbingNouns I’m mostly concerned that it’d be ta…
@VerbingNouns I’m mostly concerned that it’d be taken as Zionist.
@VerbingNouns I’m wrong-half Jew anyway, but it se…
@VerbingNouns I’m wrong-half Jew anyway, but it seems like a way of saying “I’m here for you” in a way i trust more than the safety pin
@VerbingNouns sometimes vulgarity is the only appr…
@VerbingNouns sometimes vulgarity is the only appropriate response
@VerbingNouns my Bialystok refugee ancestors (expa…
@VerbingNouns my Bialystok refugee ancestors (expatriated >100 years back) are gesturing at a yellow Star of David armband as an alternative
RT @NaelSanaullah: Thread worth a read– tackles t…
Thread worth a read– tackles the whole “economic anxiety” argument, partly with personal experience:
Okay this is a viable strategy…
Okay this is a viable strategy
RT @MollyOstertag: The magnetic words in the women…
The magnetic words in the women’s bathroom at work have been spot on lately
RT @GrahamKIRO7: New estimate from Seattle Schools…
New estimate from Seattle Schools: More than 5,000 students from 20 high and middle schools walked out to protest Trump election.
RT @MillenialDog: You want to talk about normaliza…
You want to talk about normalization? Check this shit out. Thanks a lot Reddit, you fucking cowards