Archives: Tweets
Come on @RobertDowneyJr ; get in formation. I don’…
Come on @RobertDowneyJr ; get in formation. I don’t have much faith that Black Widow or Hawkeye are coming around,…
“some citizens, driven by nationalism, ethnic hatr…
“some citizens, driven by nationalism, ethnic hatred, anti-Communism, anti-Semitism, or opportunism, knowingly engaged in collaboration”
@eldang I have a hard time with the politically po…
@eldang I have a hard time with the politically powerful who can only bring themselves to share their censure under cover of anonymity.
RT @sarahkendzior: Second is likely regardless of…
Second is likely regardless of outcome. First is new to us and very serious. This is far beyond two-party politics.…
RT @GlennF: Newspapers can save time by pre-writin…
Newspapers can save time by pre-writing a bunch of stories about Trump steering business to his companies now & just add details later.
RT @IBJIYONGI: Yday AAS censored a blog by @niais…
Yday AAS censored a blog by @niais that criticized Trump’s proclivity for discrim. I wrote about what this means.
RT @hangingnoodles: Can’t Trust Tech Titans Often…
Can’t Trust Tech Titans Often “disrupters” not schooled in ethics of institutions they’re remaking …ethics takes hu…
RT @hbons: there. I fixed it for our times. https:…
there. I fixed it for our times.
Sweet Yeshua ben Yosef. Who is this article FOR? D…
Sweet Yeshua ben Yosef. Who is this article FOR? Do they expect AIPAC to suddenly see the light?
RT @adamjohnsonNYC: gonna start rewriting headline…
gonna start rewriting headlines in the orientalist tones we talk about other countries