Archives: Tweets
RT @CaryCMoon: Hey white people- we have to risk s…
Hey white people- we have to risk some of our comfort and security. Ready?
RT @ColinPeters: They’re chanting “Lock him up!” a…
They’re chanting “Lock him up!” as we speak, right? Right?
Twitter finally found the smell of brimstone fasci…
Twitter finally found the smell of brimstone fascism too unpleasant? Barn door, horses, yada yada
RT @zhandlen: This is as confusing as that time wo…
This is as confusing as that time women said Trump groped them after Trump said he groped women.
RT @losowsky: The people who saw this coming? Who…
The people who saw this coming? Who were least surprised on my timeline of the result? Who knew before you did how…
RT @mollyknefel: Critics say Bannon is a white nat…
Critics say Bannon is a white nationalist, while white nationalists say Bannon is in fact a white nationalist
I remember.
I remember.
RT @keithgessen: As Mark Greif writes here, Trump…
As Mark Greif writes here, Trump has no legitimacy and should be disobeyed and undermined at all levels.
RT @lexinatrix: No one talks about the radicalizat…
No one talks about the radicalization of white men. Feelings of isolation, real or imagined, create a target-rich e…