Category: tech

  • reviewing software engineering for scientists – sourmash

    Apropos of software engineering for scientists, I had the opportunity to be a reviewer for C. Titus Brown‘s JOSS publication of sourmash, is a pretty cool Python library around some very fast C code for computing (and comparing) MinHash sketches on (gene) sequences. My critique of sourmash is marked “minor revisions only” because the core…

  • Visualization libraries in Jupyter, Python, & R

    I’ve become a near-rabid fan of the Jupyter data analysis environment (hello Scott!), and I am deeply impressed by the work that Continuum (and some of my former colleagues at Google) have put into supporting it.  (I share some of these concerns, but that’s a post for another time.) This week I have been teaching myself…

  • Rolling the dice at the Just World Casino

    tl;dr: The tech frame of “lean startup”, venture capital funding, “exit strategies”, and relentless “valuation” talk is fundamentally anti-human for nearly all of us. [ETA (immediately after publication):] Startup idea: They are treated like bees; they are robbed of the honey they make. — Hottest Startups (@HottestStartups) May 16, 2016 The kneejerk libertarianism and Randian…