Category: admin

  • Looking for work, 2012 edition

    A short note (implied by my updates on Twitter), just to say: I was laid off last week from my previous employment in an abrupt downsizing — a company pivot, evidently away from the work I like to do.  I’m looking for work now.  Below the jump: what I’m looking for.

  • Where’s Jeremy?

    Many of you know (or have inferred from my LinkedIn or Twitter updates), but let me point it out explicitly here: I’m working for this summer as a Research Linguist at SRI International, in the same STAR lab that hosted me as a Visiting Fellow while I finished my Ph.D. It’s interesting, diverse work —…

  • A first aside…

    I’m learning about WordPress’s “asides”, which seem to be intermediate in design and size between a tweet and a full-on blog-post.

  • Hello world!

    This page is, sadly, under construction, as I assemble my selves across the internet. In the meantime, please go see my profiles elsewhere.