Twitterlog for the week of 2012-10-14

  • Corollary: "computational linguist: better at linguistic analysis than software engineers, better at programming than linguists." #
  • SF peeps: last chance to help Bikes for San Francisco Youth on @indiegogo (I just pushed it over $4k!) #
  • TIL: What I know as Golden Hammer Syndrome ("to man with h–, world looks like nail") should be dubbed Maslow's Hammer (he of the Hierarchy) #
  • Am reading: increasingly rude argument among corpus linguists over necessity of exclusive definition for "corpus" #physicianhealthyself #
  • “Eva", 2, is obsessed with our house: she saw raccoons here once. I know she's still hooked: I can hear her mom calling her out of my yard. #
  • OH: "how does a career in technical comedy END?" #



