- debunking critical period http://t.co/oXtlK76u (via @aria42). "kids… [merely] persistent" (kids, I might add, also not afraid of failure.) #
- http://t.co/9d8qZUdg Spolsky on bottom-up management. His points seem obvious but bear repeating. #
- aw, missing a UW/AI talk on "submodular bandits" (tho for very good reason: job interviews!). #greatbandname #
- Hey look, @kotaku on linguistics/naming/phonological plausibility again: http://t.co/j2RVwOdt #worldscollide #phonology #fantasy #names #
- Cartographer wasps and anarchist bees; a political biology short story via Rachel Swirsky: http://t.co/NuVLH5Hk #
- Remember my "Burner Magna Carta" prediction 2 weeks back? (this one: https://t.co/yHN506Ow) lo, it is come to pass: http://t.co/qcQmdmbD #
- Hey; consider signing up for Wavii — a Seattle company! — so you (and I) can see what they're doing.
https://t.co/8eGhh0iD # - Rachel Marie Water Taxi, wrong way commute http://t.co/Al67DbLP #
- use a computer? use a smartphone? listen to @mdaisey's AGONY http://t.co/kNSIwIEK . DO IT. [site seems to have been webfailed – try later!] #
- "Sure, it's an objectively large sum of money," they say. "But it is far smaller after I spend it." #onepercentfollies http://t.co/NOSXVEg3 #
- At Sea-Tac, waiting for 'rents to arrive from Atlanta. Seattle is dumping uncharacteristic amounts of rain, as if to live up to stereotype. #
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-02-19