- Unexpectedly long & fun, if occasionally heated, conversation with @pbrane &c at Quiz Night. We are champion nerds; even our arguments. #
- Additional evidence of the point from my last two retweets: my last two retweets. #
- .@jinjurly it didn't hurt that I was retweeting you quoting @chr0me about imitation and mimicry. in reply to jinjurly #
- OH: "I like ideas because they don't lead to meetings. Meetings lead to action items. Action items lead to suffering." #
- Watching @RCRG and @blackwingedboy & @moosepajamas in simultaneous live stream! http://t.co/qtHkF9yx #
- bunnies investigate duck typing, inerrancy & empiricism: http://t.co/b1GGEdcB http://t.co/xcDElpUY via @BadAstronomer via @pmbaustin #
Twitterlog for the week of 2012-09-23